速報APP / 生活品味 / The Barley

The Barley





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




The Barley(圖1)-速報App

Situated in the heart of the historical market town of Newport, The Barley offers a warm and friendly atmosphere. Whether you are just dropping by for a coffee or a pint in the bar, or joining us for breakfast or lunch – our relaxed environment makes it a perfect venue for drinking or dining. At The Barley we pride ourselves on our freshly prepared homemade food, and offer a wide variety of seasonal dishes made from locally supplied produce. A great selection of chilled lagers and real cask ales are available together with old and new wines and Champagnes from around the globe. Drinks promotions run daily and change regularly. We also have facilities for functions and a raised stage, which is ideal for all social occasions such as birthdays, club activities, music events and business / society meetings. As a family run pub we aim to provide you with a truly memorable experience, and hope that you will join our many loyal customers who come back time and time again!

The Barley(圖2)-速報App